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Welcome to MXL! Here in the Michigan Exploration Lab (MXL), we are a group of students, staff, and faculty working with collaborators to enable exploration (of space in particular) with new and interesting missions. Explore this site to find out more our about education, research, and missions.

Welcome to MXL!

Here in the Michigan Exploration Lab (MXL), we are a group of students, staff, and faculty working with collaborators to enable exploration (of space in particular) with new and interesting missions. Explore this site to find out more our about education, research, and missions.

MXL enables and equips new generations to reach for and journey to the stars and beyond.

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MXL seeks fundamental research advancements to enable bold flight to the extremes.

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MXL applies our research and development to develop novel missions and capabilities.

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Recent Posts…

  • Here comes the sun!

    Here comes the sun!

    MXL is headed to Indiana to view the total solar eclipse on Monday, 08 April 2024. More details are found here: https://nebp.mxl.space/. May we all have clear skies!! […]Read More…

  • MARIO launched, deployed, and operational!

    MARIO launched, deployed, and operational!

    On Thursday, 29 December 2022, MXL’s latest cubesat, MARIO, was deployed from the International Space Station (ISS) by Nanoracks and NASA. MARIO, also known as the Measurement of Actuator Response and Impedance on Orbit cubesat, is a 3U CubeSat collaboration between MXL, Extreme Diagnostics, Michigan’s Active Intelligent and Multifunctional Structure (AIMS) Lab, and NASA. The…

  • TBEx Launched, Deployed, and Operational

    TBEx Launched, Deployed, and Operational

    by Andrew Stephenson and MXL. The two TBEx satellites launched in June 2019 will give scientists detailed insight into the effects of plasma bubbles in the upper atmosphere and how this space weather impacts space communication. On June 25, 2019, two CubeSats developed by the Michigan Exploration Laboratory (MXL) were deployed in low Earth orbit…

  • TBEx Launch: T-minus 4 Days

    TBEx Launch: T-minus 4 Days

    MXL’s first pair of coordinated satellites are scheduled to launch in 4 days.  This will be the first part of a constellation that we hope grows with additional nodes for space weather monitoring and technology demonstrations.  The Enhanced Tandem Beacon Explorers (E-TBEx) will map the Earth’s upper atmosphere to characterize how plasma bubbles develop in both…

  • LITE #2 Night Launch!

    LITE #2 Night Launch!

    On April 15, 2019, MXL’s Project Strato launched its second iteration of the LED Initial Testing Experiment (LITE), a technology demonstration mission that aims to improve optical trackability of small satellites by equipping them with LEDs that can be seen from telescopes on the ground. A successful LITE mission shall gather dynamics and telemetry data…

  • Strato night flight of LITE

    Strato night flight of LITE

    By Matthew Szczerba. The thirty-first flight of MXL’s Strato high-altitude ballooning project launched from a skatepark in Marshall, MI at 10:47 pm local time on May 10, 2018. The mission, called Strato LITE (LED Initial Testing Experiment), carried two prototype LED panels for MXL’s next CubeSat candidate, PHAROS (Phased-Array Optical Satellite). The LED boards, blinking in…

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Even a child knows how valuable the forest is. The fresh, breathtaking smell of trees. Echoing birds flying above that dense magnitude. A stable climate, a sustainable diverse life and a source of culture. Yet, forests and other ecosystems hang in the balance, threatened to become croplands, pasture, and plantations.