The CubeSat On-board Processing Validation Experiment (COVE) aboard MCubed-2 has successfully run and completed its first task without any issues! COVE utilizes an advanced radiation-hardened FPGA processor and image processing algorithms that will be used for high-data-rate processing in future Earth science missions. Decoded beacons from this morning’s pass included the following information which indicates that all processes were nominal:
Cove Num Successes – 1
Cove Num Failures – 0
Cove experiment md5sum p1 – 3023837070
Cove experiment md5sum p2 – 1499718953
Cove experiment md5sum p3 – 367564518
Cove experiment md5sum p4 – 2536409092
Congratulations to the engineers at JPL and MXL who made this success a possibility!